Monday, December 24, 2007

Taking every talking point and making them answer it.

“Attack ads and insults, distractions and dishonesty, and millions of dollars from outside groups and undisclosed donors". This is a direct quote from Obama as he is just days away from the Iowa caucuses and facing the onslaught from the Clinton's.

The Clinton's use inuendo and operatives to plant stories for opponents to answer. This is an attempt to keep the opposition off balance and hopefully off their message. Their are many in the msm (mainstream media) who are beholding to the Clinton's and so some of these stories do get some traction if only for a day or so.

For political junkies this is going to be entertaining and fun too watch.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

"Political Junkie Handicaps The Race"

In a few days the race for the US Presidential Party nomination will begin in earnest. In reality it is a dog fight with no clear front runner identified in either party. I will rank the democratic candidates only. That is my bias. I have no real interest in the Republican party just yet.

The key to the 2008 Presidential race will all be about who the democrats chose as their candidate.

The Iowa caucus will be first up and it will be filled with much anticipation.

The ranking will be Obama, Edwards, and followed by Clinton.